Humans, Machines and the Anthropology of Cybernetic Practices (Joffrey Becker)
Joffrey Becker is c:o/re fellow and research associate and member of the Anthropology of Life team at the LAS (Laboratoire d‘Anthropologie Sociale) at the Collège de France. In his talk, …
Dialogue on robotics an AI at c:o/re
c:o/re started during a new wave of academic interest for the philosophy of AI. Many seminars, lectures and workshops that took place at c:o/re during its first year, hence, pursued …
Joost-Pieter Katoen demystifies probabilistic modeling
On July 13th, Professor Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen University) gave the final Philosophy of AI lecture: Optimistic and Pessimistic Views lecture at c:o/re, titled “Demystifying probabilistic programming“. The talk convincingly …
c:o/re inauguration
On Monday, July 4th 2022 we marked the founding of KHK c:o/re with an inauguration event in the Coronation Hall of Aachen City Hall. We are grateful to the excellent …
Karin Knorr Cetina in Aachen
We are excited to soon welcoming at c:o/re Karin Knorr Cetina, the O. Borchert Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Chicago. She …
Living in a Loop
Last semester in our Lecture Series, our Fellow Joffrey Becker gave a talk on Humans, Machines, and Anthropology of Cybernetic Pracitces where he also screened parts of a visual ethnography …
“… should be about the people” (Ana Bazzan)
As part of the Philosophy of AI: Optimist and Pessimist Views c:o/re lecture series, Ana Bazzan delivered a very rich talk on “Traffic as a Socio-Technical System: Opportunities for AI“. …
Technologically enlightened: Interdisciplinary research in robotics or the privilege of being messy
Today’s c:o/re workshop on Interdisciplinary Research in Robotics and AI, organized by Joffrey Becker, insightfully showcased the mutual relevance between scientific and market research, particularly in the concern of design. …
Interdisciplinary Research in Robotics and AI
Joffrey Becker and c:o/re RWTH Aachen University are hosting this workshop on April 20th 2022 Interdisciplinary Research in Robotics and AI This workshop addresses interaction design by focusing on the …
Enlightenment Now
Steve Fuller, Frederik Stjernfelt and c:o/re are hosting this one-day workshop April 21st 2022 Enlightenment Now In this seminar, we’d like to draw a line between recent intense research into …