Beyond-nature / Beyond-life

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Due to the rapid development of materials sciences during the past decades, such disciplines known as bioinspired materials and biorobotics have posited themselves as domains whose starting point is inspiration from nature, or more precisely, from various ‘natural’ or biological objects and processes found in the natural world. For example, the technology of CRISPR gene …

After Networks: Reframing Scale, Reimagining Connections

RWTH Aachen University - Super C Templergraben 57, Aachen

If “Expanded STS” can also be understood as a platform – in a sense that it gathers different disciplines that eventually go back to their original research field – the event “After Network” proposes a direct connection with the KHK c:o/re’s 2024 research theme. The interdisciplinary program, combining art and science, also contribute to put …