Trials of implicitness: technology testing beyond the laboratory or the coming crisis of experimental accountability (Noortje Marres)
c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, November 2nd, STS researcher and Professor at Warwick University, UK, Noortje Marres, will talk about Trials of implicitness: technology testing beyond the …
IDEA League Summer School: Trajectories of Technology
Is development of technology driven by innovation and break through engineering or is technology development incremental resulting from long-term agenda setting, road mapping processes, social interaction? By taking a break …
Dialogue on robotics an AI at c:o/re
c:o/re started during a new wave of academic interest for the philosophy of AI. Many seminars, lectures and workshops that took place at c:o/re during its first year, hence, pursued …
New Borderlands between Science, Technology and Society
An interdisciplinary international Graduate Summer School on Open Science starts on Monday July 18th, 2022, in Donostia-San Sebastián, co-hosted, among others, by Prof. Andoni Ibarra and Prof. Stefan Böschen. The …
c:o/re inauguration
On Monday, July 4th 2022 we marked the founding of KHK c:o/re with an inauguration event in the Coronation Hall of Aachen City Hall. We are grateful to the excellent …
Karin Knorr Cetina in Aachen
We are excited to soon welcoming at c:o/re Karin Knorr Cetina, the O. Borchert Distinguished Service Professor in the Departments of Sociology and Anthropology at the University of Chicago. She …

Inauguration of c:o/re
The opening ceremony of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research (c:o/re) will take place on Monday, 4th July 2022 at 5 pm at the Aachen Town Hall. In the festive …
Are we there yet, are we there yet?
At his talk, part of the Philosophy of AI: Optimistic and Pessimistic Views, Professor Kim Guldstrand Larsen reflected on how far (or near) are we from developing fully autonomous cars. …
Digital justice for all… and letters: Jean Lassègue on Space, Literacy and Citizenship
Part of the c:or/e Philosophy of AI: Optimis and Pessimist Views, Jean Lassègue’s talk showed that (digital) literacy is intrinsic to digital justice. His minute comparison of the modern notion …