Computer Simulations Seen from the Standpoint of Symbols (Franck Varenne)
Franck Varenne is associate professor of philosophy of science at the University of Rouen (Normandy, France) and associate researcher at the IHPST (Paris, CNRS). In his talk, he will discuss …
Software as research culture: new study group at c:/ore, focused on software
The work that this group pursues aligns with that of the Computational Science Studies Lab, set up by Professor Gabriele Gramelsberger, Chair for Philosophy of Science and Technology (Humtec, RWTH …
Joost-Pieter Katoen demystifies probabilistic modeling
On July 13th, Professor Joost-Pieter Katoen (RWTH Aachen University) gave the final Philosophy of AI lecture: Optimistic and Pessimistic Views lecture at c:o/re, titled “Demystifying probabilistic programming“. The talk convincingly …
Digital justice for all… and letters: Jean Lassègue on Space, Literacy and Citizenship
Part of the c:or/e Philosophy of AI: Optimis and Pessimist Views, Jean Lassègue’s talk showed that (digital) literacy is intrinsic to digital justice. His minute comparison of the modern notion …
Lecture Series
As we are about to start the summer term with our new Lecture Series, “Philosophy of AI – Optimist and Pessimist Views“, you can now also listen to some of …

Steal this Blog Post!
ALEXANDRE HOCQUET Together with ALIN OLTEANU, STEFANIE HAUPT This text is a collage, licensed under a CC0 license. It was taken from another author, without mentioning or citing them. We …
“Only the Initiates Will Have the Secrets Revealed”
Tune in for the next talk in our Lecture Series “Cultures of Research – Digitalization of Research“. On Wednesday, January 26th, Alexandre Hocquet (Fellow c:o/re Aachen, Archives Henri Poincaré) will talk about the …