What makes an ideal robot girlfriend?
ILIANA DEPOUNTI Social robots and chatbots powered by artificial intelligence (AI) are part of the fourth industrial revolution (Floridi, 2008; Cross et al., 2019), which brings humans and machines closer …

Traffic as a Socio-Technical System: Opportunities for AI (Ana Bazzan)
Ana Bazzan is c:o/re fellow and Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Informatics and Leader of the Artificial Intelligence Group, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), …
New Borderlands between Science, Technology and Society
An interdisciplinary international Graduate Summer School on Open Science starts on Monday July 18th, 2022, in Donostia-San Sebastián, co-hosted, among others, by Prof. Andoni Ibarra and Prof. Stefan Böschen. The …
Knowledge as capacity to act: takeaway from Professor Nico Stehr’s visit at c:o/re
We are grateful for Professor Nico Stehr‘s visit at c:or/e during April 2022. It was a pleasure and most interesting to have with us a pioneer of the “knowledge society”, …