Computational Reproducibility and Open Science (Alexandre Hocquet)
The workshop organised by Alexandre Hocquet is part of the “Engineering Practices” Series in cooperation with RWTH Aachen University. Please find the program here.
Parameters and Computer Simulations (Alexandre Hocquet)
The workshop explores the role of software and code in computational research. Alexandre Hocquet (Archives Henri-Pointcaré, c:o/re) and Frédéric Wieber (Archives Henri-Pointcaré) will give a talk on “Software as the …

Demystifying Probabilistic Programming (Joost-Pieter Katoen)
Joost-Pieter Katoen is Professor of software modeling and verifaction at the RWTH University Aachen. His talk will provide insights into his work focussing on probabilistic programs and their applications. The …

Developing Artificial Human-Like Numerical Cognition (and Why) (Markus Pantsar)
Markus Pantsar is c:o/re fellow and Senior Grant Researcher in Theoretical Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland. In his talk, he will give insights into his …

Towards an Ergonomics of Data Science Practices (Fernando Pasquini Santos)
c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, December 14th, Fernando Pasquini Santos, Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil will take us Towards an Ergonomics of …

Inauguration of c:o/re
The opening ceremony of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research (c:o/re) will take place on Monday, 4th July 2022 at 5 pm at the Aachen Town Hall. In the festive …
The language of thought: still a salient issue
Part of the Philosophy of AI: Optimistic and Pessimistic View lecture series, on 25.05.2022 Jakub Szymanik gave a lecture at c:o/re on Reverse–engineering the language of thought, problematising thought and …