Varieties of Science 2. European traditions of varieties of science: Unexpected varieties
On May 5-6 the second c:o/re workshop Varieties of Science took place. While the first workshop (Patterns of knowledge) of this series was hosted by the National Autonomous University of …
Coming up: Lecture Series on Complexity
The summer term’s c:o/re Lecture Series will focus on the topic of complexity. But what is complexity? The Encyclopedia Britannica explains complexity as “a scientific theory which asserts that some systems display …
Art’s Realism in the Post-Truth Era (Amanda Boetzkes)
The last decade has seen a growing preoccupation with philosophies of realism from artists, curators, theorists and historians. But while the arts benefit from this domain of philosophical inquiry, …
Lecture: An-Archaeology and Spectral Realism (Hilan Bensusan)
An-archaeology is a procedure to reshape the official foundational accounts of thought through adding virtual and counterfactual narratives. It springs from a certain mistrust in the capacity of any starting …

Social Change in Ukraine – Obstacles and Opportunities: Conference report
SVITLANA SCHERBAK On November 16-17, 2022, the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts hosted conference Social Change in Ukraine – Obstacles and Opportunities. The event gathered scholars from Switzerland, …

Developing Artificial Human-Like Numerical Cognition (and Why) (Markus Pantsar)
Markus Pantsar is c:o/re fellow and Senior Grant Researcher in Theoretical Philosophy at the Faculty of Arts, University of Helsinki, Finland. In his talk, he will give insights into his …

Traveling with TARDIS. Prediction, Parameterization, and Ontology in Molecular Modeling and Simulation (Johannes Lenhard)
Johannes Lenhard is a Senior Research Fellow at the chair for Thermodynamics at the TU Kaiserslautern, Germany and philosopher. Based in philosophy of and in science, his talk will give …

‘Modernization’ in Ideological Discourses of Post-Soviet State: The Case of Russia and Ukraine (Svitlana Shcherbak)
c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, December 21st, Svitlana Shcherbak, Philosopher and researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, will talk about ‘Modernization’ in Ideological Discourses …

Art’s Realism in the Post-Truth Era
Amanda Boetzkes and Käte Hamburger Kolleg Aachen: Cultures of Research (c:o/re) are hosting this three days Workshop on 21 – 23 June 2022 The last decade has seen a growing …

Getting the Measure of Humanity: or, Taking ‘Life is a Work of Art’ Literally
STEVE FULLER What it means to be ‘human’ and whether the human must be the measure of all minds inevitably returns us to Kant. Kant himself was drawn to the …