Supercharge the real-world impact of Research, Innovation and Enterprise with brand building methodologies
IAN BATES If there’s one word I hear regularly among the academic and innovation community in the UK and mainland Europe it’s impact. What do we mean by impact? A …

Nowhere (to) land? Conference @ RRC
The programme of the conference Nowhere(to) to land?, organized by the rhine ruhr center for science communication is now available at this research centre’s website. c:o/re directors Gabriele Gramelsberger and …
Call for Contributions
For the international conference Nowhere(to)land? What Science Studies Contribute to Science Communication, that will take place in Bonn in June 14th to 16th, 2023, the Rhine Ruhr Center for Science …

Scientific Explanations from Machine Learning? (Stefan Buijsman)
Stefan Buijsman is Assistant Professor of Philosophy of Technology at TU Delft, Netherlands. In his talk, he will be discussing the issue of obtaining scientific explanations from machine learning models. …
Science night @RWTH Aachen University. c:o/re asks: what is science?
On November 11 a Science night (Wissenschaftsnacht) took place at RWTH Aachen University. This was an open-doors event in the University’s impressive CARL building, where various university departments and research …

c:o/re @ RWTH Wissenschaftsnacht
On November 11th, 2022, you can find us at the RWTH Wissenschaftsnacht in Aachen. Together with many other cool projects (check out the program here) you can find us at …
Cultures of research in dialogue
We would like to thank Wissenschaft im Dialogue for the inspiring Hackathon on science communication! We, the c:o/re team, learned a lot from the intense two-day dialogue we had on …
Hackathon: Communicating Science
Science communication has been in the spotlight for quite some time, not only against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its importance for creating an informed public that trusts science …

The Importance of Science Communication Research and of Science Studies for the Region – Opening of the RRC in Dortmund
PHILLIP H. ROTH How can science communication be practiced under post-truth conditions? And what role do the humanities and social sciences play in this context? The Rhine Ruhr Center for …