Models of complex systems as scientific-public boundary objects. The case of climate change: Complexity and Transdisciplinarity (Marseille)

Aix-Marseille University Marseille, France

On February 27-28, 2023, the Complexity and Transdisciplinarity Graduate School of the Center for Advanced Studies (IMéRA), Aix-Marseille University is hosting an event on “Models of complex systems as scientific-public boundary objects. The case of climate change“, organized by Gabriele Gramelsberger and Alexandre Hocquet (Lorraine University, c:o/re alumni). To register, kindly contact Solenne Bruhl ( The event will feature the following talks: …

Turning Points in Reflections on Science and Technology: Toward Historicizing STS

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

This workshop investigates turning points in reflections on science and technology over the course of the 20th and 21st century. It aims at opening up the field by historicizing Science and Technology Studies from various historical turns. Furthermore, it aims at discussing the various notions of “historicizing STS". Please find here the program. Please register …

STS Hub. Towards encounters amongst STS scholars in Germany

RWTH Aachen, C.A.R.L. Claßenstraße 11, Aachen, Germany

Science & Technology Studies (STS) has become a recognised, delineated academic field in the international research landscape. In Germany, however, STS is rather dispersed among existing academic disciplines, research institutes, and loosely connected academic networks and associations. To strengthen the interconnectedness of STS in Germany, c:o/re co-organizes, a conference series that brings together German …

Engineering Turn? Talk by Stefan Böschen in Vienna (German)

Campus Akademie Bäckerstraße 13 Bäckerstraße 13, Wien,, Austria

On Tuesday, March 28, Stefan Böschen is presenting the work of c:o/re at the Institute for Technology Assessment at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. You can find the abstract and practical information on how to register on the website of the Institute for Technology Assessment, here.

Instability and Complexity. On the Emergence of Late-Modern Science – Jan C. Schmidt

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

“Instability and Complexity. On the Emergence of Late-Modern Science” by  Jan C. Schmidt (Darmstadt University of Applied Sciences) Abstract In my talk, I distinguish between compositional and dynamical complexity – in order to focus on the latter from the perspective of complex systems theory. Complex systems theory, including nonlinear dynamics, chaos-, self-organization- and catastrophe theory, …

European Traditions of Philosophy of Science: Unexpected Varieties

University of Bucharest Splaiul Independenței nr. 204, București, Romania

Workshop organized by c:o/re, Aachen University & Dr. Andrei Mărășoiu To understand the context-sensitive justificatory practices at work in scientific pursuits, an understanding of research cultures and the variation therein is necessary. In this light, this workshop addresses the interaction between logic and metaphysical models in scientific practices and social and cultural approaches to these …

Neither Good nor Old-Fashioned: On the Curious Complexity of Soviet AI – Benjamin Peters

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

“Neither Good nor Old-Fashioned: On the Curious Complexity of Soviet AI” by Benjamin Peters (University of Tulsa). Abstract: This public talk will explore the material media philosophies of Soviet artificial intelligence research and its precursors. In particular, it will examine the case for not-anthropomorphic, even invisual imaginations of smart technologies in the wartime wake of …

Complexity – From Natural and Social Sciences to Artificial Intelligence – Klaus Mainzer

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

“Complexity – From Natural and Social Sciences to Artificial Intelligence” - Klaus Mainzer (TU Munich). Abstract: According to several prominent authors, including Stephen Hawking, a main part of 21st century science will be on complexity research. The intuitive idea is that global patterns and structures emerge from locally interacting elements like atoms in laser beams, molecules …

A Philosophy of Artscience: Something Old, Something Novel – Clarissa Lee

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

“A Philosophy of Artscience: Something Old, Something Novel” by Clarissa Lee (transdisciplinary researcher, c:o/re Aachen). Abstract: This talk explores how one could develop and apprehend a philosophically intuited syzygy that is art and science, giving way to art-science and artscience (without the hyphen). However, this is not merely about what philosophy could do for artscience (the …

Artificial Intelligence: The Brand That Wouldn’t Die. A lecture by Professor Thomas Haigh

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

The history of AI is the history of an overhyped brand that has only very recently come to signify a set of deployable technologies with broad application and clear, if somewhat horrifying, purposes. Over almost seventy years it’s been attached to a range of loosely related projects, none of which have yet come close to …

Exposures, Photographic and Otherwise: Complex Encounters with Toxicity – Kyveli Mavrokordopoulou

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Exposures, Photographic and Otherwise: Complex Encounters with Toxicity - Kyveli Mavrokordopoulou. Abstract: “Exposure,” as a term, freely flows in different contexts, from environmentalist and activist circles to scientific and medical discourse. Levels of exposure—to radiation, to lead, to asbestos, and beyond—are deemed safe or unsafe by shifting regulatory frameworks. And more often than not, these …