Chun-Shik Kim

RWTH Kármán-Fellow (06/24 − 07/24)

photo credits: Chun-Shik Kim

Chun-Shik Kim has been Professor at the Department of Energy Management and Director of the Institute for Energy Convergence Technology at Dongshin University in Naju (South Korea) since 2017. Previously, he was Professor in the Division of Humanities and Social Sciences at Pohang University of Science and Technology (2006 – 2016). Professor Kim was a member of the Advisory Committee on Education Policy and International Cooperation in the Field of “Vocational Education and Training and Higher Education” of the Ministry of Education in Korea from 2014 to 2018. Until recently, he was an expert member of the Special Committee on Future Science Human Resources Development of the National Education Commission (NEC) of Korea. Professor Kim is a Forum Member of German-Korean Forum and a board member and the Chair of Humanities Education of ADeKo(Korea-Germany Alumni Network). In this context, he took part in the Korean-German education summit in Bonn in 2014. He is very committed to the educational exchange between Germany and Korea and builds bridges between the two countries. Since 2015 he has been increasingly involved with vocational education and training, and the topic of “lifelong education and learning” in Germany and Korea.

Applications and Challenges of Artificial Intelligence Technology in School and Training: A Comparative Study Between South Korea and Germany

My research interest lies in the comparative analysis of the use of AI in education systems between Germany and South Korea. The different approaches and attitudes of both countries offer a unique opportunity to examine in detail the diverse challenges and approaches to implementing AI in educational institutions. Specifically, I would like to conduct a research project on “AI in school education” in the research fields of the two cities of Aachen and Ansan by organizing a school partnership between one school each, e.g. master and vocational schools, in Aachen and Ansan and conducting a comparative study on the use of artificial intelligence in the two schools.

My research aims not only to analyze existing differences and challenges, but also to develop solutions to optimize the use of AI worldwide to increase educational attainment and learning success. I am particularly interested in the potential impact of traditional educational narratives on the integration of modern technologies. I aim to develop a balanced perspective that reconciles the benefits of humanistic educational ideals with the opportunities of the digital era. In addition, there is an opportunity to leverage synergies between the “Transition to a Digital Age Education System” policy currently being promoted by the new Korean government and the German government’s “Digitalpakt Schule”, which promotes the digitalization of schools.

Publications (selection)

Kim, Chun-Shik. 2005. Deutscher Kulturimperialismus in China. Stuttgart: Franz-Steiner Verlag

Kim, Chun-Shik. 2000. Ostasien zwischen Angst und Bewunderung. Das populäre deutsche Ostasienbild der 1930er und 40er Jahre in Reiseberichten aus dem japanischen Imperium. London/Hamburg: Lit-Verlag.

RWTH Kármán-Fellowships

RWTH Kármán-Fellowships are funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research
(BMBF) and the Ministry of Culture and Science of the German State of North Rhine
Westphalia (MKW) under the Excellence Strategy of the Federal Government and the