Month: January 2022

Explainable AI – Explanations in AI

We are excited to announce the second c:o/re workshop, “Explainable AI – Explanations in AI”, organized by Markus Pantsar and Frederik Stjernfelt. It will take place on the 2nd and …

“Only the Initiates Will Have the Secrets Revealed”

Tune in for the next talk in our Lecture Series “Cultures of Research – Digitalization of Research“. On Wednesday, January 26th, Alexandre Hocquet (Fellow c:o/re Aachen, Archives Henri Poincaré) will talk about the …

c:o/re panel @ EASST 2022

The c:o/re Team will be chairing a panel at the EASST conference “Politics of Technoscientific Futures” in Madrid, July 6 to 9, 2022. Our panel “Making Media Futures” focuses on …

carbon fibres

Who are ‘You’ in the Future of Humanity?

STEVE FULLER Does being human require a certain kind of embodiment?  This may sound like a strange question because we are accustomed to the equation, ‘Human = Homo sapiens’. Thus, …

New Year – New Fellows

This week, we welcomed René von Schomberg and Catharina Landström at RWTH Aachen university. Like Andoni Ibarra, who arrived at c:o/re in December, René von Schomberg is working on responsible …