Solidarity with Ukraine

Together with all our colleagues at RWTH Aachen University and worldwide, we condemn the Russian attack against Ukraine and the violence and terror that is raging there for a week now. Our thoughts and solidarity go out to the many people affected by this war.
The university has issued a statement and published an interview with Prof. Ralph Rotte from the Institute for Political Sciences. Currently, the university organizes an aid program for hospitals. Below, you can find some websites that provide further background information on the war in Ukraine:
- Science for Ukraine collects information about practical support for students and researchers directly affected by Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.
- SUCHO is an initiative by cultural heritage professionals to save Ukranian Cultural Heritage online.
- Statement by Russian scientists against the war in Ukraine.
- HSozKult – Collection of historical background information by the communication and information service on historical research (German).
- The online platform dekoder offers background info and analyses (German).
- You can help the Association KONTAKTE-KOНTAKTbI in their support for surviors of the Holocaust in Ukraine.