“Only the Initiates Will Have the Secrets Revealed”. The Politics and Materialities of Open Science (Alexandre Hocquet)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Alexandre Hocquet is c:o/re fellow and Professor of History of Science at the Université de Lorraine, France, and Member of the Laboratory Archives Henri-Poincaré—Philosophie et Recherches sur les Sciences et les Technologies. Based in STS, his talk will provide insights into his work on open science and the relationships between software and the production of …

Annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)

The annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) takes place on July 6-9, 2022, in Madrid: “The Politics of Technoscientific Futures” is the topic of this years conference. Phillip Roth, Alin Olteanu and Ana María Guzmán are chairing a panel on “Making Media Futures. From Meaning to Imaginations …

Fourth European Pragmatism Conference

University College London Gower Street, London

The Fourth European Pragmatism Conference is taking place at University College London on August 3-5, 2022. Together with Andrea Paravicini and Christian Frigerio (State University of Milan), Alin Olteanu and c:o/re fellow Erica Onnis are organizing a panel that means to challenge the theoretical dichotomisation of individual and collective by adopting several perspectives on complexity …

IDEA League Summer School: Trajectories of Technology

RWTH Aachen University Templergraben 55, Aachen, Germany

Is development of technology driven by innovation and break through engineering or is technology development incremental resulting from long-term agenda setting, road mapping processes, social interaction? By taking a break and looking back into the history of crucial technologies, path dependencies and decade-old trajectories can be observed. Beside the history and narrative of each singular …

Engaging publics in open anticipatory governance of technology (Andoni Ibarra) – CANCELLED!

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research The lecture on Wednesday, November 16th, by Andoni Ibarra, Professor of Philosophy of Science at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), has been cancelled. The talk was scheduled as part of the c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research. To participlate, please register with events@khk.rwth-aachen.de

Turning Points in Reflections on Science and Technology: Toward Historicizing STS

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

This workshop investigates turning points in reflections on science and technology over the course of the 20th and 21st century. It aims at opening up the field by historicizing Science and Technology Studies from various historical turns. Furthermore, it aims at discussing the various notions of “historicizing STS". Please find here the program. Please register …

STS Hub. Towards encounters amongst STS scholars in Germany

RWTH Aachen, C.A.R.L. Claßenstraße 11, Aachen, Germany

Science & Technology Studies (STS) has become a recognised, delineated academic field in the international research landscape. In Germany, however, STS is rather dispersed among existing academic disciplines, research institutes, and loosely connected academic networks and associations. To strengthen the interconnectedness of STS in Germany, c:o/re co-organizes STS-hub.de, a conference series that brings together German …