The prospects of Institutionalising the Values ‘Openness’ and ‘Responsiveness’ in the Scientific Community (René von Schomberg)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, November 30th, Guest Professor at the Technical University of Darmstadt, René von Schomberg, will talk about The prospects of Institutionalising the Values ‘Openness’ and ‘Responsiveness’ in the Scientific Community. The talk is part of the c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research. To participlate, please register with

Varieties of Science: Patterns of Knowledge

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras, UNAM Cto. Interior s/n, C.U. Coyoacán, Mexico City, CDMX, Mexico

This workshop focuses on the kind of categories and conceptual frameworks that might be necessary to render visible the complex patterns of relations in which the plurality of scientific knowledge emerges.

Towards an Ergonomics of Data Science Practices (Fernando Pasquini Santos)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, December 14th, Fernando Pasquini Santos, Assistant Professor at the Federal University of Uberlândia, Uberlândia, Brazil will take us Towards an Ergonomics of Data Science Practices. The talk is part of the c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research. To participlate, please register with

‘Modernization’ in Ideological Discourses of Post-Soviet State: The Case of Russia and Ukraine (Svitlana Shcherbak)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, December 21st, Svitlana Shcherbak, Philosopher and researcher of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine, will talk about ‘Modernization’ in Ideological Discourses of Post-Soviet State: The Case of Russia and Ukraine. The talk is part of the c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research. To participlate, please register …

Moving Technical and Scientific Knowledge, People and Objects after 1945: IIT Madras and the RWTH Aachen (Roland Wittje)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, January 25th, Associate Professor for the History of Science and Technology at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras, Roland Wittje, will talk about Moving Technical and Scientific Knowledge, People and Objects after 1945: IIT Madras and the RWTH Aachen. The talk is part of the c:o/re …

Voodoo science and the missing controversy: Neuroscience as an integration project (Torsten H. Voigt)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research On Wednesday, February 8th, Torsten H. Voigt, Professor for Sociology at RWTH Aachen University will talk about "Voodoo science and the missing controversy: Neuroscience as an integration project". The talk is part of the c:o/re Lecture Series: Cultures of Research. To participlate, please register with  

“Wissenschaften des Konkreten” Conference (German)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Abstraktion und Konkretion lassen sich als komplementäre epistemische Operationen betrachten, die für die Literatur, die Wissenschaften und die Künste gleichermaßen konstitutiv sind. Sie sind wirksam in Prozessen des Fingierens und Entwerfens, in der Anverwandlung, Anordnung und Beschreibung empirischer Gegenstände, in der Begriffsbildung und Exemplifikation. Methoden und Kategorien der praxeologisch orientierten Wissenschaftsforschung aufgreifend, befasst sich die …

Models of complex systems as scientific-public boundary objects. The case of climate change: Complexity and Transdisciplinarity (Marseille)

Aix-Marseille University Marseille, France

On February 27-28, 2023, the Complexity and Transdisciplinarity Graduate School of the Center for Advanced Studies (IMéRA), Aix-Marseille University is hosting an event on “Models of complex systems as scientific-public boundary objects. The case of climate change“, organized by Gabriele Gramelsberger and Alexandre Hocquet (Lorraine University, c:o/re alumni). To register, kindly contact Solenne Bruhl ( The event will feature the following talks: …

Turning Points in Reflections on Science and Technology: Toward Historicizing STS

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

This workshop investigates turning points in reflections on science and technology over the course of the 20th and 21st century. It aims at opening up the field by historicizing Science and Technology Studies from various historical turns. Furthermore, it aims at discussing the various notions of “historicizing STS". Please find here the program. Please register …

STS Hub. Towards encounters amongst STS scholars in Germany

RWTH Aachen, C.A.R.L. Claßenstraße 11, Aachen, Germany

Science & Technology Studies (STS) has become a recognised, delineated academic field in the international research landscape. In Germany, however, STS is rather dispersed among existing academic disciplines, research institutes, and loosely connected academic networks and associations. To strengthen the interconnectedness of STS in Germany, c:o/re co-organizes, a conference series that brings together German …

Engineering Turn? Talk by Stefan Böschen in Vienna (German)

Campus Akademie Bäckerstraße 13 Bäckerstraße 13, Wien,, Austria

On Tuesday, March 28, Stefan Böschen is presenting the work of c:o/re at the Institute for Technology Assessment at the Austrian Academy of Sciences. You can find the abstract and practical information on how to register on the website of the Institute for Technology Assessment, here.