Artificial Intelligence: The Brand That Wouldn’t Die. A lecture by Professor Thomas Haigh

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

The history of AI is the history of an overhyped brand that has only very recently come to signify a set of deployable technologies with broad application and clear, if somewhat horrifying, purposes. Over almost seventy years it’s been attached to a range of loosely related projects, none of which have yet come close to …

A Crisis of Expertise? – Theodore von Kármán Lecture with Reiner Grundmann

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Lecture by Reiner Grundmann, University of Nottingham; RWTH Kármán-Fellow There is a common perception that in recent years, at least in Western societies, official expertise has entered a period of crisis with some even proclaiming the ‘death of expertise.’ The underlying causes and potential solutions are diverse, yet they seem to share a common thread, …