International Conference “Cultures of Research”

Forum M, Mayersche Buchkremerstraße 1-7, Aachen, Germany

The international conference “Cultures of Research” takes stock of the first four years of the fellow program at the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Rearch (c:o/re). During these years, more than fifty international fellows came to the KHK c:o/re to explore the transformation of research in its many facets. Topics such as the digitalization of …

Tagung “Digitale Aufklärung” der DGPhil

RWTH Aachen University - Super C Templergraben 57, Aachen

Find the program in this document. If you would like to attend, please register with:

Workshop “After Networks: Reframing Scale, Reimagining Connections”

RWTH Aachen University - Super C Templergraben 57, Aachen

If “Expanded STS” can also be understood as a platform – in a sense that it gathers different disciplines that eventually go back to their original research field – the workshop "After Networks: reframing scale, reimagining connections" proposes a direct connection with the KHK c:o/re’s 2024 research theme. The interdisciplinary program, combining art and internet …

Symposium “Freedom of Research: A European Summit – Europe in Times of Division”

RWTH Aachen University - Super C Templergraben 57, Aachen

Europe stands at a crossroads: Political polarization, disinformation, and social fragmentation threaten the cohesion of our continent. National interests clash, while external crises put increasing pressure on our democracies. At the same time, science is under strain – facing targeted disinformation, political interference, and restrictions on academic freedom. How can we uphold shared values, safeguard …