The workshop explores the role of software and code in computational research. Alexandre Hocquet (Archives Henri-Pointcaré, c:o/re) and Frédéric Wieber (Archives Henri-Pointcaré) will give a talk on “Software as the Elephant in the Room”. The presentation is followed by commentaries by Gabriele Gramelsberger (c:o/re director) and Johannes Lenhard (TU Kaiserslautern). In the evening, Johannes Lenhard gives a talk on “Traveling with TARDIS. Prediction, Parameterization, and Ontology in Molecular Modelling and Simulation” as part of the c:o/re Lecture Series “Cultures of Research – Digitalization of Research“. As part of the workshop, the group is working on a Panel proposal for for SPSP Conference in 2022.
Please find the program here.