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26-04-2024 - 27-04-2024

As part of the conference Politics of the Machines: Lifelikeness & beyond, a cooperation with the Performing Arts Centre PACT Zollverein in Essen is planned for Friday, 26 April, and Saturday, 27 April 2024.

With ›life.like‹, PACT invites you to an experiential, installative, and discursive journey that questions and transcends the boundaries between machines, objects, and biological systems. What spheres exist beyond the dividing lines of the living and non-living? How do data and unknown techno-social interactions influence decisions and our perception of the living? What relationships, realms of possibility, and collaborations emerge between technologies and artistic practices?

If you would like to attend, please write a short email to events@khk.rwth-aachen.de.




PACT Zollverein
Bullmannaue 20a
Essen, 45327 Germany
+ Google Map
View Venue Website


POM Aachen 2024
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