c:o/re Senior Fellow 10/21 − 09/22

Ana Bazzan is Professor of Computer Science at the Institute of Informatics and Leader of the Artificial Intelligence Group, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul (UFRGS), Porto Alegre, Brazil. Her research focuses on multiagent systems, in particular on agent-based modeling and simulation (ABMS), and multiagent learning for the transportation domain. Since 1996, she has collaborated with various researchers in the application of ABMS and game theory to social science domains, such as the emergence of cooperation, the prisoner’s dilemma and public goods games. In recent years, she has contributed to different topics regarding smart cities, focusing on transportation. In 2014, Bazzan was General Co-chair of AAMAS (the premier conference in the area of autonomous agents and multiagent systems).
Interconnecting Machine Learning, Multiagent System, and Complex Systems: Applications in Socio-Technical Systems
This project addresses complex systems, with focus both on socio-technical systems as well as on the networking aspects of social systems. In a nutshell, techniques from network theory combined with agent-based modelling and simulation (ABMS) of complex systems, as well as machine learning (ML) will be employed to case studies involving modelling of collective and/or emerging behavior in social systems, simulation of human societies (present and past), and other systems that involve complex human behavior. Among these, some relate to smart cities in general and transportation in particular.
Publications (Selection)
Lucas N. Alegre and Theresa Ziemke and Ana L. C. Bazzan. 2021. “Using reinforcement learning to control traffic signals.” In IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation System (to appear).
Prado, S. D.; Dahmen, S. R.; Bazzan, Ana. L. C.; Macarron, M.; Hillner, J. 2020. “Gendered Networks and Communicability in Medieval Historical Narratives. Advances in Complex Systems.” In Advances in Complex Systems, 23.
Redwan, C. S. Z. and Bazzan, Ana. L. C. 2020. “How hard is it for agents to learn the user equilibrium? Characterizing traffic networks by means of entropy.” In Advances in Complex Systems, 23, pp. 1-32.
Bazzan, Ana. L. C. and Kluegl, Franziska. 2013. Introduction to Intelligent Systems in Traffic and Transportation. Morgan and Claypool.
Bazzan, Ana L. C. and Klügl, Franziska. 2014. “A review on agent-based technology for traffic and transportation.” In The Knowledge Engineering Review, vol.29, pp. 375-403.