New Publication in Nature Computational Science: “Software is Ubiquitous Yet Overlooked”
A group of fourteen scientists, most of whom work or have worked at the KHK…
News at and from the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research (c:o/re) of Aachen.
A group of fourteen scientists, most of whom work or have worked at the KHK…
We are delighted to welcome another RWTH Kármán-Fellow at the KHK c:o/re: Chun-Shik Kim, Professor…
Get to know our current fellows and gain an impression of their research.In a new…
As part of the collaboration of c:o/re with Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University, Peter Mantello and…
Get to know our current fellows and gain an impression of their research.In a new…
We are looking forward to the collaboration with the film studio of RWTH Aachen University!…
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