How will humans treat AI? Or, Human social intelligence meets artificial intelligence (Ophelia Deroy)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Ophelia Deroy is Professor of philosophy of mind at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München. Her talk will discuss aspects of experience and thought which challenge individuals' capacity for rational justification or even reflective awareness as part of her research on the interface of philosophy of mind and cognitive neurosciences. The talk is part of the c:o/re Lecture …

Lecture: An-Archaeology and Spectral Realism (Hilan Bensusan)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

An-archaeology is a procedure to reshape the official foundational accounts of thought through adding virtual and counterfactual narratives. It springs from a certain mistrust in the capacity of any starting point to ground what comes next – and from the idea that no beginning is oblivious to its others. As such it is an attempt …

4th conference of the International Association of Cognitive Semiotics (IACS)

RWTH Aachen University Templergraben 55, Aachen, Germany

The 4th conference of the International Association of Cognitive Semiotics (IACS), which will take place on June 15-18, 2022, is hosted by RWTH Aachen University. Particularly, the Chair of Semiotics and Cognitive Linguistics (Professor Irene Mittelberg, Professor Martin Thiering) is hosting this conference with the assistance of c:o/re (Professor Gabriele Grameslberger, Dr. Alin Olteanu) and, …

Art’s Realism in the Post-Truth Era (Amanda Boetzkes)

Haus Matthéy/ Stadtpalais

  The last decade has seen a growing preoccupation with philosophies of realism from artists, curators, theorists and historians. But while the arts benefit from this domain of philosophical inquiry, the reverse is also true: the significance of realism in an era characterized by global warming, migrations, and fake news can only be fully understood …

Open Scholarship, Responsible Innovation and Anticipatory Governance (René von Schomberg and Andoni Ibarra)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

The workshop organised by René von Schomberg and Andoni Ibarra tackles some ‘lead questions’ in open science, responsible innovation and anticipatory governance. Some of those are: Can open scholarship make science more reliable, responsive, credible and inclusive? And does open scholarship lead to a better scientific practice? How should open scholarship be incentivised? What is …

Inauguration of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research

Historical Town Hall Aachen Markt, Aachen, Germany

The opening ceremony of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research (c:o/re) will take place on Monday, 4th July 2022 at 5 pm at the Aachen Town Hall. In the festive venue of the historical Coronation Hall, we will be celebrating the launch of the International Center for Advanced Studies in Philosophy, Sociology, and History of …

Annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)

The annual conference of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST) takes place on July 6-9, 2022, in Madrid: “The Politics of Technoscientific Futures” is the topic of this years conference. Phillip Roth, Alin Olteanu and Ana María Guzmán are chairing a panel on “Making Media Futures. From Meaning to Imaginations …

Demystifying Probabilistic Programming (Joost-Pieter Katoen)

Stadtpalais/Online Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Joost-Pieter Katoen is Professor of software modeling and verifaction at the RWTH University Aachen. His talk will provide insights into his work focussing on probabilistic programs and their applications.  The talk is part of the c:o/re Lecture Series Cultures of Research - Philosophy of AI_Optimist and Pessimist Views.  

Fourth European Pragmatism Conference

University College London Gower Street, London

The Fourth European Pragmatism Conference is taking place at University College London on August 3-5, 2022. Together with Andrea Paravicini and Christian Frigerio (State University of Milan), Alin Olteanu and c:o/re fellow Erica Onnis are organizing a panel that means to challenge the theoretical dichotomisation of individual and collective by adopting several perspectives on complexity …

IDEA League Summer School: Trajectories of Technology

RWTH Aachen University Templergraben 55, Aachen, Germany

Is development of technology driven by innovation and break through engineering or is technology development incremental resulting from long-term agenda setting, road mapping processes, social interaction? By taking a break and looking back into the history of crucial technologies, path dependencies and decade-old trajectories can be observed. Beside the history and narrative of each singular …

Hackathon: Communicating Science

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Science communication has been in the spotlight for quite some time, not only against the background of the COVID-19 pandemic. Its importance for creating an informed public that trusts science and scientific expertise has become apparent for science and politics alike. But where should institutions and researchers begin? How can they decide which target audience …