Freedom of Research: Art Exhibition

RWTH Aachen, C.A.R.L. Claßenstraße 11, Aachen, Germany

We are pleased to have brought the exhibition “European Archive of Voices” to Aachen. A team of 50 young international interviewers has interviewed people from across Europe born in the first half of the 20th century in their mother tongue about their experiences, fears and hopes. This diverse collection of memoirs includes activists, artists, lawyers, …

Political Philosophy of Engineering and Technology – Workshop organized by Carl Mitcham (Colorado School of Mines)

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Abstract: Why political philosophy of technology? Why aren’t the philosophy and ethics of technology adequate? A classic answer is contained in the concluding chapter of Nicomachean Ethics where Aristotle transitions to the Politics: “Ethical arguments may have the power to encourage and stimulate the high-minded and those of noble character, but they are insufficient to …

Freedom of Research: Freedom Late Night

Ludwig Forum Jülicher Str. 97-109, Aachen, Germany

We invite you to an inspiring event featuring thought-provoking talks, artistic performances, and scientific presentations. Delve into the critical questions: "Why is science crucial for freedom?" and "How do key technologies ensure our freedom and that of future generations?" Don’t miss this opportunity to be part of a vibrant discussion on the power of education …

Freedom of Research: Symposium

Forum M, Mayersche Buchkremerstraße 1-7, Aachen, Germany

In a conference format, we will explore various aspects of research freedom in times of uncertainty through panel discussions, TED Talks, and interactive sessions. Engage with renowned scientists, hear firsthand accounts from representatives in business, politics, and academia, discuss the ideas of young researchers from across Europe who are currently working on pressing issues that …

“5 to 12” RWTH Science Night

RWTH Aachen, C.A.R.L. Claßenstraße 11, Aachen, Germany

On November 8, 2024, the 20th science night “5 to 12” will take place at RWTH Aachen University. The annual event aims to present science and research at the RWTH to the public in different events across the RWTH Campus. The main hub of these events will be the C.A.R.L. and the program can be …

Logic and the Philosophy of Science – Workshop with Gabriel Sandu

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

9:00 - 9:10 Welcome 9:10 - 10:05 Gabriel Sandu (University of Helsinki): “Logical representation of causal inferences in statistics” 10:05 - 11:00 Gabriele Gramelsberger (RWTH Aachen University): TBA (11:00 - 11:15 Coffee break) 11:15 - 12:10 Dawid Kasprowicz (RWTH Aachen University): “Modality as a subject for science and modality as experience in science” (12:10 - 13:40 …

Alan Turing, Artificial Intelligence, and the Imitation Game – Jack Copeland

OecherLab Kapuzinergraben 19 D, 52062 Aachen

At the turn of the millennium Time magazine listed Alan Turing among the twentieth century’s 100 greatest minds. His ideas helped to transport us from an era where ‘computer’ was the term for a human clerk who did the sums in the back office of an insurance company or science lab, into a world where …

Workshop: “Emergence, Causality, and Complexity”

Stadtpalais Theaterstraße 75, Aachen, Germany

Organizers: Erica Onnis, Ana María Guzmán, Alexander Schubert Abstract: According to many authors involved in the debate about emergence, ontological emergent phenomena can be characterized as partially dependent on a more fundamental base and causally novel in instantiating new causal properties able to make them autonomous. Moreover, emergence is often recognized as a relevant feature …

Cancelled: From IP and Cookies to IDFA/GAID. Towards a Historical Sociology of (Digital) Addressing – Ricky Wichum

Unfortunately, this lecture has been canceled due to health reasons. We will continue our lecture series on December 18. Thank you for your understanding. This event is part of our winter semester 2024/25 Lecture Series Expanding Science and Technology Studies. To take part either online or in presence, please write a short email to