Ingmar Lippert

c:o/re short-term Senior Fellow (03/2023)

Ingmar Lippert is a sociologist and scholar of science and technology studies with research foci on environmental governance, digitalisation and STS methods. Current research activities focus on imaginaries of coal, nature and autochthoneity in the context of energy transitions, on the ontological turn as well as on method practices within STS. He currently serves the STS community as editor of Science & Technology Studies, has chaired the organisation of the 2023 STS-hub and was EASST Council member between 2010-2022.

He is currently affiliated with the Chair of Technoscience Studies of Brandenburg University of Technology (DE). Before, he has conducted research and teaching in various professorial, lecture and visiting research roles at the National University of Singapore (SG), IT University of Copenhagen (DK), Lancaster University (UK), the Institute for Advanced Studies of Science, Technology and Society (AT), the Museum of Natural History Berlin (DE) as well as Augsburg University (DE).

Methods in STS

Science and technology studies (STS) has developed a strong repertoire for analysing research apparatuses, the infrastructures and methods that are configured within situated practices, with contingent epistemic effects. In my fellowship project I focus on evocations of ethnographic work within STS. Analytically, I seek to continue the development of a methodographic approach, i.e. a take on methods that are neither normatively guided, nor legitimising specific method choices, but invites descriptive analysis of methods-in-action. Empirically, I draw on reflexively produced accounts of their own research practice by STS ethnographers. I analyse these accounts with respect to how their practices situationally translate uncertainties in certainties, address and ignore research troubles, proceed with and without care.

Publications (selected)

Lippert, Ingmar, and Julie Mewes. 2021 (eds.). Data, Methods and Writing. In Science & Technology Studies, 34(3): 2–16

Lippert, Ingmar. 2020. In, with and of STS.  In Wie forschen mit den “Science and Technology Studies”. Interdisziplinäre Perspektiven, ed. by Astrid Wiedmann, Katherin Wagenknecht, Philipp Goll, and Andreas Wagenknecht. Bielefeld: Transcript, pp. 301–318.

Lippert, Ingmar, and Helen Verran (eds.). 2018. After numbers? Innovations in Science and Technology Studies’ Analytics of Numbers and Numbering. In Science & Technology Studies, 31: 2-12.

Lippert, Ingmar, Franz Krause, and Niklas Hartmann (eds.). 2015. Environmental Management as Situated Practice. In Geoforum, 66: 107–114.

Lippert, Ingmar. 2014. Studying reconfigurations of discourse: Tracing the stability and materiality of ‘sustainability/carbon’. In Journal for Discourse Studies — Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung, 2(1): 32–54.