Ana María Guzmán

photo by Jana Hambitzer

Ana María Guzmán is a research associate at c:o/re, lecturer at the Chair for Theory of Science and Philosophy of Technology at RWTH Aachen, and PhD Candidate at the University of Bonn. In 2017 she completed her studies in Philosophy at the UNAM, Mexico (BA) and the Freie Universität Berlin (MA). In 2013 she also completed a specialization on Interdisciplinary Artistic Research at the CNA, Mexico. Since 2013 she has been collaborating with the Project Seminario de Tecnologías Filosóficas. She was Research Assistant for the project Technosphere at Haus der Kulturen der Welt, Berlin. Until 2022 she co-coordinated the Spanish speaking version of the Research Network for Philosophy and Technology. Her Dissertation “Within Nature: Hegel’s Local Determination of Thought” deals with the conditions for the intelligibility of nature within Hegel’s Logic and Philosophy of Nature. Her research interests are (German) Idealism (Schelling / Hegel), Theories of Political Action (Rancière, Butler, Arendt), (Techno)Feminism, technologies of desire, and Gilbert Simondon.


Winter 21/22: Voraussetzungsloses Denken. Eine Einführung in Hegels Philosophie (BA) / Presuppositionless Thought. An Introduction to Hegel’s Philosophy.

Summer 22: Grenzen des Begriffs – Zur Aktualität der Erkenntnistheorie des klassischen Idealismus (BA) / The Limits of Concepts – On the Actuality of the Epistemology of Classic Idealism.

Winter 22/23: Die Logik der Natur (BA) / The Logic of Nature.

Summer 23: Feministische Perspektiven auf Wissenschaft und Technik (BA) / Feminist Perspective of Science and Technology.

Winter 23/24: Was ist Leben? (BA) / What is Life?

Summer 2024: Ontologie der Technik. Maschinen, technische und digitale Objekte (BA) / Ontology of Technology. Maschine, technical and digital Objects.

Last Research Outputs





  • Povinelli, Elizabeth; Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. 2021. “Where is Technology? Interview with Elizabeth Povinelli”. In Das Neue Alphabet: Making, Volume 7, edited by Katrin Klingan , Johanna Schindler, Nick Houde. Leipzig: Spector Books.

Talks (Selection)

  • Reale Möglichkeiten. Utopien Denken. InterChair Kolloquium University of Bonn, 24 Nov 2021.
  • The Technicity of the Concept. Conference Crossing the Border of Humanity: Cyborgs in Ethic, Law, and Art, 14-15 Dec 2021.
  • Metastable Bodies: a reflection on Simondon’s political and technical individuation. Colloquium for French Philosophy, University of Bonn, 20 Jan 2022.
  • The Logic of Reproduction. Workshop Zum Verhältnis von Natur und Geist bei Hegel: Historische Perspektiven. livMatS Freiburg (online), 23 -25 February 2022.
  • The Organic Form of Time in Schelling’s Philosophy of Mythology. 7th Conference of the North American Schelling Society, Toronto, 24-26 May 2022. 
  • The Ontological Problem of Local Technologies. Workshop ‚Varieties of Science: Patterns of Knowledge‘ with Seminario de Tecnologías Filosóficas, UNAM, Mexico City, 5 December 2022. 
  • Der Widerspruch der Natur. Ist Hegels Idealismus ein Antirealismus? Kolloquium Realismus und Idealismus Heute. Winter Semester 2022/23, 26 Jan 2023.
  • La técnica del concepto. Reflexionen sobre la inmanencia hegeliana para la filosofía de la tecnología. Seminario de Tecnologías Filosóficas, UNAM, Mexico (online), 20 February 2023.
  • Objektive Subjekte. Objektivität in Hegels Logik und die Möglichkeit einer Naturphilosophie. In Realismus und Idealisms heute. Sommersemester 2023, 29th June 2023.
  • Real Possibilities and the Crisis of Nature. The Persistence of Crisis in Hegel’s Speculative Reason, University of Basel, 28-29 September, 2023.
  • Beyond Performance. The Nature of Techno-Feminism. Digitalitäten und Ökologie im Feld des Tanzes. (Virtual Ecologies in the Field of Dance. Höchschule für Musik und Tanz Köln, 29th October 2023.
  • Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. Absolute Difference. The Nature of Organization. Symposium Intelligence Unbound: Navigating the Dynamics of Human-Posthuman Evolution. Foreign Objekt, online. 19th November 2023. 
  • Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. Das Leben des Begriffs. Hegels Lebensbegriff im Zusammenhang des Übergangs von der Logik in die Naturphilosophie. Doktorandenworkshop, Universität Bonn. 23th November 2023. 
  • Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. The Nature of Nature After Technofeminism. Beyond Gravity, Theater im Depot Dortmund. 25th November 2023.
  • Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. Absolute Difference. The Space of Utopia. Symposium Intelligence Unbound: Navigating the Dynamics of Human-Posthuman Evolution. Foreign Objekt, online. 26th November, 2023. 
  • Gramelsberger, Gabriele; Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. Wissenschaftskommunikation im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung. Workshop Kunst, Wissenschaft, Öffentlichkeit, Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research. 16th February 2024.
  • Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. Die Logik des Lebens. Gotthard Günther Gedanken zur Selbstorganisierung im Kontext der Digitalität. Online-Vortragsreihe Digitalität und Transzendentalphilosophie. APIG, Wuppertal/Wien. 16 May 2024
  • Guzmán Olmos, Ana María. Politics before History: Schelling’s Concept of Prehistory in light of some Anarchist Ideas on the Origin of Political Consciousness. NASS8, Conference of the North American Schelling Society, Gonzaga University, Spokane. 23 May 2024.

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