c:o/re newsletter 2/24

Welcome to the newsletter of the Käte Hamburger Kolleg: Cultures of Research (c:o/re) at RWTH Aachen University! Stay updated on the events and activities at c:o/re.

Welcome to our new fellows!

We are delighted to welcome two new fellows: Grit Laudel and Nathalia Lavigne will stay with us for the academic year 2024/25.

We are also very happy that Alexandre Hocquet is back at our center to continue his fellowship until August. Furthermore, STS scholar Nina Amelung is currently at c:o/re. She will stay as a short-term fellow for the rest of July.

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New Publication in Nature Computational Science: “Software is Ubiquitous Yet Overlooked”

A group of fourteen scientists, most of whom work or have worked at the KHK c:o/re, have published an article entitled “Software is ubiquitous yet overlooked” in Nature Computational Science about the lack of attention paid to software.

Software is ubiquitous in science, and yet it is overlooked everywhere. At a time when the scientific world (and beyond) is talking about code, algorithms or artificial intelligence, software appears in the discourse as just another semantic quibble. But many facets of software, such as questions about user licenses or file formats, are not part of the definition of code or algorithm.

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New blog posts

On our blog, future fellow Fredrick Ogenga reports about extreme weather patterns and the need of a new view on the different forms of problem-oriented research. Furthermore, our current fellow Nikita Braguinski wrote about his ideas on how AI and data can influence music research.


This week, the directors, research associates and many fellows will be at EASST-4S 2024 in Amsterdam. We would be delighted to see you there during our panels "Varieties of the digital: variants of digitalisation in experimental and ML-based research practices" and "Transforming knowledge formats. Media imaginations of time, space, and scientific discourse beyond print" on Friday, July 19.

In September, we will welcome Darren Sharp from Monash University in Melbourne, Australia, as RWTH Theodore von Kármán Fellow. He will give a public university lecture at the KHK c:o/re on September 11 from 5 to 6.30 pm. You are cordially invited to make a note of the date and come along!

We wish everyone a relaxing and enjoyable summer!

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